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Blog #3 Expert Interview

We will interview the President of the Saber Fitness Club, Christopher, for our expert interview. He is the creator of the club. The expert interview with Christopher will be shot at Rory's house, more specifically, in the living room of the house. We plan to use natural light and hope the interview has a natural, conversational tone and rhythm to it. The informal, relaxed setting will give the interview a light, friendly tone, which we think matches the atmosphere and goals of the club and its members. The questions we came up with for the expert interview are; what is the club, what is the idea or purpose behind the club, are their requirement for joining the club, what does a typical practice look like, how did you come up with different styles of choreography, what do you hope for in the future for the club, what's your favorite part of the club, do club members need to be Star Wars fans in order to join, and are the offices within the club organized differently from other clubs? We will do our vox pops at a Saber Fitness Club practice on September eighteenth outside of the Warwick Ballroom, where club practices are held every Monday. Three questions we have come up with for our vox pop are; what do you think of the club, why do you recommend others join the club, and what do you feel you get out of being a member of the Saber Fitness Club?


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