Most of all, throughout this semester in FST 201, I have learned that film making is much more of a group effort than I originally thought. This fact is great when all team members are on top of their parts of the filmmaking project. However, this fact can be a stressful one when certain group members fail or fall short of their tasks. Overall, most of my group members made the projects enjoyable experiences and I feel we created interesting things together. I think that the projects that we participated in this semester taught me to trust myself and my instincts more than I did before. I learned that most ideas are worth exploring even if they don't eventually lead to anything in the final cut because they are exercise in creativity. I also learned that following your passions is not always the easiest path to follow along with everything else life throws are you, but it is worth it in the end. Overall, after all the stressing and lack of rest and sleep, I feel very accomplished...